Is anyone famliar with "kruse's perfection brand"


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 19, 2010
Las Vegas
The store that I usually go to was closed today so I went to another one and all they is "kruse's perfection brand poultry feed", so I bought one bag.
Is anyone used this brand before? Is it good or bad for laying hens?
So, what did your chickens think? Did you ever find anything about it? My feed store suddenly had this brand today, I also am curious if anyone has heard of it? Is it new? I have not fed it to mine yet, as I just unloaded it from the car.
UPDATE: My chickens love this food, and I am getting better egg production than before, even tho it is extremely hot out. I am very happy and hope they continue carrying this brand!!! I did some research and found other good reviews also
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We had this feed for my chooks for months and it's the first time they actually ate their feed regularly then my husband made a mistake and got a different brand, the chickens hated us for a week and they let us know they were unhappy. This brand is like crack for my chickens.

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