Is anyone raising rabbits and chickens?

Apr 16, 2023
NE Tennessee
I haven't yet built my chicken house and I know I want to raise rabbits soon.

I'm wondering if anyone has found clever ways to integrate the two beasties together that are helpful for them and efficient for us.

I know some people do it, but since my cats wander in and out of the coop, I doubt that would work for me. I would personally keep them seperated, at least by a wire wall.
I think it gets way too hot here to raise rabbits outdoors.
We kept our rabbit stackers in the barn where the chickens had free range
Were the chicken nest boxes in there, or did the chickens just wander in and out?
I wondered about building the rabbit hutches onto an outside wall of the chicken house, but hadn't thought anything through.

Really, when I was a teenager, I had pet rabbits outside. I had anywhere from 12 to inumerable kits when the bucks magically squeezed through the smallest of openings.

It was a wooden hutch with wire floors and walls. It was extremely difficult to keep the bucks separate and, of course, they chewed on everything like they were starving to death. I want to begin economically but maybe wire cages will be cheaper in the long run...
Were the chicken nest boxes in there, or did the chickens just wander in and out?
I wondered about building the rabbit hutches onto an outside wall of the chicken house, but hadn't thought anything through.

Really, when I was a teenager, I had pet rabbits outside. I had anywhere from 12 to inumerable kits when the bucks magically squeezed through the smallest of openings.

It was a wooden hutch with wire floors and walls. It was extremely difficult to keep the bucks separate and, of course, they chewed on everything like they were starving to death. I want to begin economically but maybe wire cages will be cheaper in the long run...
The chickens just ran loose and laid where they wanted.
I've considered the same, and might hang a couple wire hutches above the floor of my chicken run someday. If you haven't already, check out Joel Salatin "Raken" houses on youtube. Raken is a combination of the words, rabbit/chicken.

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