Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

Nice Happy Chicks!
My hatch is going slow. I do have 3 chicks in the brooder with the large Premier plate. The chicks seemed to be having a hard time going under it at first, or I should say the first chick did. She hatched out early and I had to pull her out of the hatcher because she was assaulting the pipped eggs.

Anyway, I did as somebody else had done and raised the front and kept the back lower. No problem at all after that, she even slept all night with only few contented peeps. I added the other 2 chicks today and all 3 are under the plate at the moment. They do go in and out from under it, coming out to eat, drink, explore, and then back under the plate.

So far I am pretty impressed with it and glad I made the investment.


P.S. I will try to get pics when the rest of the hatch is finished.
So you raised the front higher? I'll try that when my chicks come. Thanks for the tip!

Yes I raised the front higher and the back lower. They walk around the front part and sometimes lay right at the front with their heads out and bodies under the plate. When laying down to really sleep they seem to move more towards the back.

Here is a pic, although not very good, you can see that they are able to walk around under the front section easily.

I am wondering, with 25 chicks, how long will the large premier (or Ecoglow 50) suffice as the chicks grow. I have not had chicks before, but they are coming in April, and I am wondering if one large heating plate will be big enough for 25 chicks at 3 to 4 weeks age.
I was about to make a thread along similar lines... Heatlamp is $10, but dangerous. Ecoglow is safe, but $75-80 is MUCH to steep for me. The premier heat plate is closer to my comfort level of price, but seems fairly new.

In my search for alternative heat, I did find some other options and I would love to hear y'alls input!

A plug-in heat pad for pets. It says it can keep your pet at 102F.. with appropriate covering or distance, it seems to me this could be ideal. 102F is close to chicken mom's body heat.

Also, there is the Snuggle Safe. A microwaveable heatpad that boasts that it keeps warm for 10 hours. Seems like one could easily heat it twice a day and be fine.

I like the safety of the latter.. No electricity!
That pretty much mimics a mama hen's stance too, so it's probably the best way to use it. Watch how she lifts her breast to let them in but that backside doesn't move.

That is the most tolerant broody hen I've ever seen! Mine become demon-like and I don't put my hand within striking distance unless I'm wearing gloves and long sleeves--I kept waiting for one of those kids to get pecked! Such a good pet.
My old broody hen is like this...she's a WR. She knows I'm not going to hurt her and she protests when she's sitting at first but the rest of the time I can put eggs or chicks under her with no problem and even take eggs out and put chicks in.

Some breeds are just more docile, I'm thinking.

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