Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

Came home today with 12 day old chicks - Buff Brahmas, Light Brahmas, Red Sex Links, and Easter Eggers! Popped them in the brooder with their chicken waterer (they caught on to the vertical nipples immediately) and showed them how to get under Mama Heating Pad. Within an hour they were running all over exploring, popping under Mama Heating Pad for a quick warmup, running back out for a drink, and it makes my heart happy! They are so content!
That's great! Happy chick sounds, it was/is the same for me.
Ordered my xtra large heating pad today, so I'm about ready for my chicks.......they aren't being shipped until March 30 so I have plenty of time to get Mama Heating Pad rigged in the coop!
@Blooie do you have a link for the pad you bought?

I got a seed tray heater, nice size, but I don't think it's going to be warm enough.
I just ordered the Sunbeam x-tra large heating pad from Amazon. Make sure you order the one that lets you turn off the automatic shut off feature, otherwise it will go off every two hours or so.

Our newest batch of chicks love it. They love being on top of it and when it gets dark they go right under and go to sleep, sleeping all night long without a sound. I put up a step-by-step on how I did this. Do a search for Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (or something like that.)
I just ordered the Sunbeam x-tra large heating pad from Amazon. Make sure you order the one that lets you turn off the automatic shut off feature, otherwise it will go off every two hours or so.

Our newest batch of chicks love it. They love being on top of it and when it gets dark they go right under and go to sleep, sleeping all night long without a sound. I put up a step-by-step on how I did this. Do a search for Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (or something like that.)
This one? Does the cover come off?
That's it, aart! Thanks for posting that link! The cover does come off for washing. I cover a towel with Glad Press 'n Seal and then put that over the heating pad. Wipes off with a wet paper towel.
That's it, aart! Thanks for posting that link! The cover does come off for washing. I cover a towel with Glad Press 'n Seal and then put that over the heating pad. Wipes off with a wet paper towel.
OK good.
Have you thought of using the pad without the cover?
Quote: LOL.....Yeah well, it might be too hot on the surface without a cover of some sort.

That's what I did last year with my ancient heating pad, took the cover off, put it on wire rack then covered the top with a piece of vinyl because the plastic surface of the uncovered pad was like 110F ...didn't want little burnt chickie feet.

Wished I had ordered this right off the bat instead of the weed tray heater, which is not going to be warm enough, plus then I have a really nice heating pad if I need one. OhWell....needed something else too tho so this will get me to free shipping.
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I just brought my first 8 chicks home to a farm I recently purchased. Local Southern States had some really healthy and active chicks, eating well and so pretty. I bought 3 Red Stars, 3 barred Plymouths, and 2 Easter Eggers. I had a brooder set up with a Premier Chick Heater (aka--electric hen). My babies were in a stock tank in the store with 2 red heat lamps. Brought them home in an ice storm so I could spend the afternoon and evening with them.

I work full time right now and do not want to leave heat lamps clipped to anything as I worry about the risk of fire

I read that chicks are attracted to light if they don't have their moms to warm them. I put a battery operated votive candle under the heater to attract the chicks, and sure enough, in a few minutes everybody was under the electric hen and sleeping quietly. Some are half under, so I know it is warm enough in there. The candle does not get hot and will burn for several days on one little battery. Then I can probably remove it.

The candle-lit environment has to be more restful than the glaring heat lamp I have used for sunning lizards.

I love your forums. Lots of wonderful information and I have chosen to build the Cluckingham Palace chicken tractor included in the coop plans. My babies will free-range on this beautiful place. For now, they are living in my guest room! Best guests yet!!

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