Is anyone using the Premier "heat plate" brooder for chicks?

The top doesn't get much heat so the cling wrap is okay. I'm a stickler for being careful about fumes. The item itself puts out some.

I ended up NOT continuing to use the cling wrap because it does get moved a bit and I don't like it getting scrunched up and becoming a draw to the attention of chicks that want to peck and eat everything. The poos on the top aren't that big a deal. Just swipe them off with a paper towel. Clean well before putting away for the season.
One thing I did have to do...
I had to get a lamp dimmer switch to turn the heat down. The plate I got was too hot for chicks to touch. The unit is designed to be used with a switch cord that's similar to a lamp dimmer cord. They don't make them for US electric current yet therefore they're not for sale with the units in the us.

The lamp dimmer cord switch works wonderfully. Can pick up at Menards, etc.
This is my third year with the heat plate. I LOVE it! Buy the cover. If you don't, they will be pooping on top the plate. I have read all the different stuff you can use...Just buy it. Also I got an extra nipple drinker. Use the wall mount brackets. So much easier to clean, fill etc. It is fuss free, safe and my ducklings loved it too. I will never be without the heat plate!
Also, it is NOT too hot for the chicks. Get your hieght right. It may feel hot to you, but birds have higher body temperatures. Ducks are even higher. Keeps them toasty and even temperature. Don't worry. Also when you have 15 or 20 chicks pooping on top, it gets to be a pain. They track poop everywhere.The cover IS a lifesaver. Your chicks will be healthier in the long run .
This is my third year with the heat plate. I LOVE it! Buy the cover. If you don't, they will be pooping on top the plate. I have read all the different stuff you can use...Just buy it. Also I got an extra nipple drinker. Use the wall mount brackets. So much easier to clean, fill etc. It is fuss free, safe and my ducklings loved it too. I will never be without the heat plate!
I almost bought the cover just now... But I thought at 23.95 on Amazon it was too much for a once a year use plus its big, the heat plate I can take the legs off and pack back in box for next time. I am going to use press and seal and clean it well at the end of this years use.

I almost bought the cover just now... But I thought at 23.95 on Amazon it was too much for a once a year use plus its big, the heat plate I can take the legs off and pack back in box for next time. I am going to use press and seal and clean it well at the end of this years use.

I just bought one of these too. I bought mine directly from the Premier Poultry website. It was much cheaper than Amazon.
I bought the Premier heat plate (small) also and really like most aspects of it. But, has anyone found a way to accurately check temperature? Wish they included one on the unit for us OCD people. ;) Also, I lost a two-day old chick yesterday, and when it was lying down, there was no contact between the chick and the plate of course, so I had to keep her warm under a lamp. Just want to note that people may want to have a backup just in case.
I bought the Premier heat plate (small) also and really like most aspects of it. But, has anyone found a way to accurately check temperature? Wish they included one on the unit for us OCD people.
Also, I lost a two-day old chick yesterday, and when it was lying down, there was no contact between the chick and the plate of course, so I had to keep her warm under a lamp. Just want to note that people may want to have a backup just in case.
Well, sorry but you can't measure the heat with a plate like you do a lamp...I know, I tried multiple ocd ways.
They just don't work the same, the lamp heats the air and ground under it but the plate doesn't.
Key with the plate is they have to be able to touch their backs to it, that's why it has adjustable legs.
What is the ambient temp where the heater is? That can make a difference..... or the chick might just not be hearty?

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