Is Black Boy actually a girl??


10 Years
Mar 21, 2009
Wet Argyll, Scotland
Hello, I have two chicks that were born on the same day under the same hen and the eggs were from the same person who has 2 Roo's and lots of hens. Although it appears that 'black boy' is a Marans, I am not sure what his father is. He is 16 weeks old and isn't crowing, he is very calm and not 'roo' like at all. His Hatch mate on the other hand 'Vince' is very Roo like and started crowing about a fortnight ago.
I have looked up on the internet to see if i can work it out but I can't! The only thing that makes me think he is a boy is those tail feathers???

So here is 'black boy' is he a he or a she??




And here is Vince, who is definetly a Roo!
Definitely a cockerel.

However, I don't think he is a Marans, his legs aren't the right color. Marans are should have pinkish white legs, not yellow. He's more likely a Barred Rock or Marans mix with faults.
It's a male, no doubt at all. One of those extra darks popped out from my own BR flock once, owned by lockedhearts. She called him RuPaul. If you search by that name, you'll find pics that look exactly like your boy.

Here's one juvvie pic of RuPaul, kept us all guessing because no other cockerel had ever been this dark from my flock:


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