Is broody hen suffocating chicks??


8 Years
Aug 2, 2015
Naples, FL
In 2 years I've had chickens only one hen has gone broody and she's been a great mom. Now 2 other hens at the same time are sitting on eggs - to make it more confusing they apparently kept taking eggs from others so the eggs are all on different days. A few days ago I checked in and one perfect, dried and fluffed up chick was dead under the hen. One had just pipped so I took the dead baby and left her alone. I went back a few hours later and the pipped chick had apparently suffocated. Yesterday I found a chick dead and still half in the shell but in the yard!! So another pipped today and I took it from her and have it in my incubator. Should I even give the chick to her? Is this common for a new mom? My other girl was so perfect I never even thought about problems like this. Thank you for reading this!!
Were the two broodies have access to one another? It could be that they are fighting to raise/brood the eggs and chicks. I have 4 broodies and they’re all separated by mini made up rooms until they can all integrate again.

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