Is call waiting rude?


12 Years
Feb 3, 2008
Fingerlakes Upstate, NY
I think it is. I was talking to a friend of mine today, carrying on a pleasant conversation. Then he said he had a beep. He has caller ID, it was his sister he complains about all the time, but he had to go. This happens all the time. Must be I’m just boring or something talking all the time about the chickens.

Now, don’t get me wrong; if the doctor is calling or something that’s fine. Maybe Junior’s school needs to get a hold of you, cool. But it just seems rude to me to just basically hang up on somebody without finishing out a conversation. “Oops, gotta beap, gotta go.” You can’t finish talking to someone, then call the person who beeped in back?
I agree with you, it is RUDE. These days it seems people haven't remembered (or never learned) that every phone call is not an emergency that needs to be answered immediately.
Speaking of RUDE calls.

Next time you have to stand in a customer service line at a store, take your cell - stand in line and CALL them. See if you get attention first on the PHONE or in person - I promise they'll answer the phone first. Now thats annoying!
I agree, I feel the same way when someone takes a beep....what am I, chopped liver? Makes you feel like calling them back and beeping in on THAT conversation, to see if they will interrupt it to take YOUR call!

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