Is Dorothy A Donald?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 21, 2012

I hope you can see the photos at that link. I have 9 birds that are 9 weeks old. I dont know why I didnt notice the differences between my two EE (sold to me as ameraucana) pullets before now. I am starting to think my Dorothy is a Donald. The dark one, Stella, doesn't have a comb and has the typical wedge tail. Dorothy has a very noticeable comb and her tail seems to waterfall and look a tad curly. She has a lot of mallard green in her tail feathers and quite a bit of the mahogany as well as black and white body. Is it possible she is a he? I know it's early to tell, but the two just seem so different. I can take more pics if needed.

Thanks, all!

yes this is a cockerel based on color alone to
can you get pics of the other one as well? on ee's just because the comb is small doesnt mean its a pullet. most ee's can be sexed by color. this doesn't include the all white ones and the black and white ee's those are difficult and must be sexed by comb
Stella is a pretty girl. She is pretty close to a brown red Ameraucana, but not up to type. She's just considered an EE.

Thank you. My kids think she looks like an eagle. They are so happy Dorothy is now Frank :)

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