is feeding lettuce dangerous . . .

What a co-inky-dink! I'm going to the dentist tomorrow too - same one I've been seeing 40 years (wait, am I that old?!). Clean teeth are happy teeth!
I even brush my dogs' teeth - it's a labor of love.
They can get crop bound if fed large pieces of grass or straw and stuff if they do not get grit. Grass is more likely to cause it if it is cut long grass... Grit is key to feeding birds something other than crumble or feed. I give my girls whole heads of cabbage and they love it but they free range and have access to plenty of pebbles.
OK I'm a little worried after reading this thread. I have a confined rooster recovering from a broken leg. The past couple of days I discovered he loves leafy greens so I've been giving that to him. I got him some grit yesterday and put it in the cage but I have no idea if he eats it. Should I cut the greens in small pieces to be safe I've just been holding up the big pieces and letting him rip into it as he pleases.

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