Is it a Silver Sussex.. can you call them Silver Sussex?


I hope Fortheloveofchickens don't mind I used there picture.
In the area that I have circled in red, does that look like barring? It did to me but I could be just seeing things.

Just looks like smutty color to me. My hatchery Brahmas have the very same markings on their fluff. It's the same stuff as when the black shows up on the back, except here it is also the hocks and fluff too, which often makes it smeared, broken, or laced in appearance. If you look at it, then back at the white-laced black feathers on the chest, they're the same. . . Just in fluffy form.
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It could be odd coloring.

As for the wing/s of the op's bird. Here is a video of one of Greenfires roosters. (Look at the wings)

None of the birds shown are good examples of Silver Sussex, the hen is the best of the lot.
They should be sold as what they are - crossbreds.
Light Sussex are a Silver Columbian Wheaten,
Silver Sussex are a Silver Birchen.
Silver sussex should be predominantly black with silver hackles (neck and saddle) and a small amount of lacing on the breast is permitted.

Both cockerals shown in the photos above look as if they have angelwing as well!

The first photo I would call a cross, and if I was breeding for colour would definitely be a cull, as it is a hotch potch, neither one (light) or the other (silver). A bird can only be "split" for something if they are carrying a recessive gene (chocolate, lavender etc), as already stated Silver is a dominant gene, and will be expressed in all the offspring.
I have PURE Silver Sussex chickens. I sell pure eggs, (Silver Roo over Silver Hens), I also sell light Sussex eggs which carry the Silver gene, and I say just that. When someone buys my eggs they are getting Pure Silvers and also some Lights which are clearly marked as such. When I bought these Silver chickens from a reputable breeder, (and I paid dearly) I bought PURE Silvers and was told just that. I have no problem posting pics of my chickens. If they are not perfect (which most chickens are not), you dont have to bid on them. I might say though, looking at all the others on auction, mine are pretty darn close. I chose this breed to buy because I loved the coloring. I do explain to my customers in my auction about breeding them with the Lights that carry the gene. And yes, you can get a bird from these lights that look Silver, but you would have to work on getting them back to correct coloring. My Silvers, are just that Pure and Fabulous. Here are some pics of my Silvers, the chicks are 4-5 week old in these pics.



So, does this mean the Silver Sussex crossed with a Light Sussex does not produce a "Split?" It simply produces a crossbreed?

Correct... crossbred.

As was explained earlier (I think) light sussex are "silver" not "white" that is why the feathers are such a bright white (silver is sometimes added to barred and cuckoo birds to give a brightness to the white bars, but that is getting complicated!)

Confusion also arises over the names. Silver sussex are birchen by any other name; light sussex are silver colombian as stated by blackdotte (although I didn't know they were silver co. wheaten - I guess you learn something new everyday!)
Here are the parents of the two little ones in question -

These two are directly from GreenFire...
The first "Silver" cockerel GreenFire sold me was this one -
in which I told him I wanted a different one due to the major dominant black color (the one above) in which he told me was a very impressive Silver Roo. I am pleased with how they both turned out including their offspring. Just as in any breed/color you aren't going to be able to tell a "quality" bird until they are old enough to show. He also told me that a Silver over a Light Hen is a Split that looks like a Light Sussex w/ the Silver gene.

Juvenile pics -


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