Is it bad for a male duck not to have sex?


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2017
My boyfriend and I have a flock of 6 ducks: 1 male, 3 females, 1 older female who is a bit gender confused, and 1 male call duck. Our little call duck is much too small to mate with the ladies we currently have, and unfortunately we are just not in a position to get anymore ducks at this point. Will that cause any long term problems for him not to be able to do it? Is there any way for a duck to be neutered or something along those lines? Thank you.
I don't think it will hurt him much and you'd be amazed at how hard they will try. More than anything he'll be frustrated from trying.

I have tiny OEGB roosters that ride around on the back of the Large fowl hens trying hard but never making it. lol

I think an avain vet maybe able to neuter a drake but it would be very expensive

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