Is it cruel to have chickens if they can't free range?

I think what is cruel is housing 6 chickens in a 30x30 cage like production people do. I think as long as your chicken gets to be as much of a chicken as possible... your on the right track.
Your chickens have fresh air, can scratch in the dirt, can eat bugs, grasses, weeds, pick flies out of the air, perch, eat treats you give them, run around a small area and have fun, lay in the sun and feel a warm rain in their faces. Sounds to me, like they probably have it pretty good.
Personally, I would only have four in there. But that is me. I think 6 will be fine. I am one of those freaks who gives them a bit to much.
Enjoy your ladies........ they are a lot of fun to have.
We have 14 chickens (1's a rooster, a very nice fellow) with a 15' x 40' run that used to be a dog pen. It's got fencing over the top to keep out the racoons, bobcats, owls and hawks, and there's double fencing at the bottom to discourage the coyotes. Their house is a 4' x 8' elevated palace (pictures coming soon) with windows, a ramp, nesting boxes I can clear from outside, and room to rest in the shady sand underneath. I have a mix of shavings and straw on the dirt of the run, and there's a juniper tree at one end of the run on which I have fastened perches at all different heights.

Our girls seem very happy, although they're extra pleased when we let them out for an afternoon, which happens whenever possible. While they're in the run, we give them kitchen scraps and spare produce from the grocery store so that's always a big thrill.

Since we have free-range coyotes wandering around at all hours, we don't let the girls out without one of us on duty, or our 145-lb Newfoundland dog there on a long lead as guard. We have 3 pheasant-colored Cochins, 3 Americuanas and 8 Black Stars. The Black Stars are pretty mellow, the Americuanas are our adventurers and are quite outgoing, and the Cochins are a bit spooky and the most likely to dash back into the run when there's a shadow or a noise they don't like.

Nancy Ambrosiano
White Rock, New Mexico
My 2 girls have a home made run and I let them have a little time free ranging most days. They seem happy enough.... particularly if there is lots of chance to scratch about! I think battery farming is cruel but having a run isn't.
I let mine free range for about 2 years but after losing so many to random dogs and other predators I built a run. They are just as happy in their run and I'm happy because they're safe! I give them leaves to sort thru, hay to peck at, worms I've dug in my garden, and scraps from the kitchen. Your chickens will be fine!
My chickens never free rang (unless they escape lol) they just have a small dirt covered run with a larger uncovered grass run connected to that, they stay in the covered run when I’m not home, but then I let them out to the uncovered grass run until night fall. My two Silkies just live in a chicken tractor that I move every day so they get fresh grass, but they don’t ever free rang
I have 6 Buffs and they free range when I am out there with them. We have hawks, coyotes, foxes, owls, fishers and probably many others I haven't seen. The only dog that runs loose around here is a cockapoo, and he is afraid of the girls
I carry my "chicken stick" that I herd them with. Must post a video one of these days
We had a hawk try for them one day, but we were out there, yelped and the smart little girls ran under a bush. We grabbed them and put them in the enclosure (it has a screen on top). So, we are really observant whe we are out with the girls - if I need to whack a hawk with a stick, so be it! I have a pretty good swing, and great hand/eye

All that being said, they don't get a ton of time free ranging, and some days they don't make it out at all, but it's working for us and them...
I am trying to get a video of my 4 dogs with my 5 chickens loose in the yard. It has not been easy. they dont like to pose......... they have heard of Craigs List.

My chickens free range right now probably 8 hours a day. They have access to their coop and rabbit area at all times and will go up there from time to time and then free range on my 1/2 acre lot. But, they do like to hang out by the 6x9 picture window and preen by the glass next to the dogs. They crack me up. I have had chickens about 2 1/2 years now and my household spent alot of time teaching the rotty and shepherd puppy to respect the chickens.
When we see a hawk (lots of windows to the back yard) we just open the back door and send a dog or few out............ My rotty will leap in the air like a freak after them (hawks) ......... the chickens have to move as she does not look at the ground.
We both work from home so it is a luxury most people do not have and plus we are dog trainers and have the know how.

I still think your chickens will be happy. And I dont know if you know this..... but they are like theropists you dont have to pay. They are very soothing. I do not know why everyone does not have chickens. Enjoy them
6chickens in St. Charles :

In this video, my hen jumped into my lap for a visit. Neither of us are very pretty, but its a good example of what sometimes happens when chicken's personalities come to light:

Cute video. BTW, I'm guessing I'm about 5 or 6 miles north of you.

We have 4 chickens in a fully enclosed and covered run, 8 x 20 feet, with a 4 x 5 foot coop inside it. The interior space is 5-1/2 to 6 feet high, so I can walk around in there, and it has perches, rocks, a dust bath and other stuff to keep them occupied. They seem to find plenty to do in there. I don't think I'd want more than four birds in that space.​
Make sure they have something to scratch around in, and if you can give them lots of green veggies if they will have no access to grass--they may not need it, but they will apreciate it. I'd also recommend deep litter method for managing poo (and it gives them something to scratch on). Also some perches are a must--they will really appreciate that. You may also need to supply grit for their diet, and a dust-bathing box for them to dust in.

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