Is it normal for chickens to eat little critters?

i throw in left over deer carcuss like my grandfather they pick bones clean and eggs have such nice orange yolks yum:/
Oreo (cat) is smart enough to catch and kill a mouse, but dumb enough to just leave it in the driveway after chewing on it for about half a minute. The ladies are always happy to finish the job for her, and it doesn't hurt 'em.
Mine will chase any thing that moves.....and eat it if they can
I was mortified by my little velociraptors one day this summer - as I approached the outside run there were 2 or 3 chickens running around with something in their beaks. I got closer to find that one had the wing of an English sparrow in it's beak; another had the other wing and one was running around with the remainder of the body-12 other chickens in hot pursuit for a snack.
Well she seems okay now. She isn't pooping blood anymore. My mom took a look at the first dropping and said it could be from the pomegranite seeds we fed them not too long ago.
But just in case we put a wee bit of corid in their water. And we bought vitamins/electrolytes and antibiotics, just in case.

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