Is it ok to add a new chick to flock of 8 weeks old?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Northern Rhode Island
Hello all-

I just ordered another chick :) I have 9 7/8 week olds, can I add the new chick, when it arrives, to them or not? Will it be ok if it is alone?

Thank you in advance
It isn't here yet, I just ordered some chicks for my brother then HAD to order 1 for me :)
I figure my babies will be about 9 weeks old - I am concerned that the new chick will be alone. I could leave her with my brothers and get he back when she is older, will that work better?
Raise the chick with your brother's and bring the chick home when she is around 8 weeks old, or talk your brother into giving you one of his so your's will have a friend when she gets released to your flock.
That's too much age and size difference. Your lone chick probably won't survive the older ones. I wouldn't try adding just one chick even if they were closer in age and size.....that lone chick would be a target and pecked on by the original group.
Thanks everyone- I wasn't sure if they would be more maternal.
He is going to keep her until she is old enough, then I will slowly transition her into the flock.

Hmmm maybe I should add another so i have a pair the same age :)

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