Is It Ok to Rinse A Poopie Egg?

Chickie Mamma

Farmer at Heart
11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Sherman, CT
Hello, I have read so many different answers to this question, still confused. With all the snow and mud, the eggs are pretty dirty. Is it ok to rinse with cool water and a paper towel, dry it and put it in the fridge? I really hate to dump them
I just wipe off whatever gunk (mud or poo) is on the eggs with a dry paper towel & put them in the fridge. When I go to use them is when I rinse them. Guess I don't want to risk washing off the bloom.
It's prefectly fine to wash eggs. Warm water is fine, too.

People will argue that removing the 'bloom' reduces shelf life. But, if you are washing them then going straight into the fridge, you will see very little reduction in quality (if any).
Thanks so much. I always put them in the fridge right after I rinse them. We eat them within a few days. I've never had a problem so far, but I was just worried I am feeding my family bacteria filled eggs.
What does bloom look like? My hen's eggs have such a hard shell that its hard to believe anything can get in.
I think bloom is supposed to be a "film" coating that is on the egg to protect the egg from bacteria etc. My hens lay a very strong shell too but I know the shells have pores so "stuff" can be absorbed into the egg. I am still fairly new to all of this too, so I can be wrong.

I just don't want to taint the egg with bacteria. Maybe its different if the egg is NOT refrigerated. But I always refrigerate. I spend so much time making organic food, vitamins etc, that I would be disappointed if rinsing would make the eggs spoiled.
My eggs are really poopie and my dad told me that the other day he put them in a tupper mare container filled with water and the poo pretty much came off.

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