Is it true that light on the house can scare away predators from chickens coop?

if you live in an area that is pretty dark, a light will help keep away several nighttime predators. if your in the city, most of them are already accustomed to the light.
your right, its not going to "predator proof" your hen house by no means. it will help some though.

i thought it should also be mentioned that running white lights 24 hours on a backyard flock is not a good idea. i tried this for heat reasons in my barns, in the spring when I turned them off; i forced most of the chickens in that building into a molt.
I have two of these:

I mounted them on the pen on opposite sides, they act like a normal solar light giving dim light until movement is sensed then they get much brighter for a minute or so. Do they really keep things away, not sure but they make me feel better. It's my thought(hope?) that the change in brightness will startle critters more than a steady level of light. I'm pretty sure that my coop/run is secure anyway, I never close the door to the coop.
the best thing i have found to keep predators away is dogs. i space them around the place near the doors of the coops. we have alot of trouble with theft around here, the dogs help that too.

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