Is it true that light on the house can scare away predators from chickens coop?

An old-timer told me that a night-light IN the coop lets the chickens SEE the preditors so they can defend themselves from an attack better. I've had chickens 4 years with a nightlight in the coop and never had a nighttime attack. With all the coon around, never had a problem with them either (Now I've probably hexed it :/). Daytime attacks of foxes and hawks that's a different story...
We are rural, our barn area is well lit at night, it makes no difference, I still see tracks of raccon and possum. What has saved my birds from night time predators is being locked in a very secure coop at night. I also have hot wire around my pens and I have dogs loose inside my perimeter fencing.
i have a motion detected light on a building close to my coop it works really well. the worst thing we have had problem with is dogs.

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