Is layer feed really essential?


6 Years
Jul 15, 2014
i started feeding my girls layer feed when they were 18-20 weeks old, like suggested. LOL. they have been eating that for like 7 months. sometimes their eggs looked awesome, sometimes the were not smooth, like they had a matte finish instead of the slight sheen that they should have and the color seemed to be diluted sometimes. the breeds are OEG, Black Star (sex link), EE bantam and OEG bantam. then one day i realized i forgot to buy the layer feed and had to give the girls the Flock Raiser that i was feeding the younger birds. i had some oyster shell left over so i put some in a dish inside the coop for them. let me tell you, the girls eggs seemed to be better in quantity as well as quality. so i stopped buying layer feed and kept them all on Flock Raiser with the oyster shell in the free choice dish.
i started feeding my girls layer feed when they were 18-20 weeks old, like suggested. LOL. they have been eating that for like 7 months. sometimes their eggs looked awesome, sometimes the were not smooth, like they had a matte finish instead of the slight sheen that they should have and the color seemed to be diluted sometimes. the breeds are OEG, Black Star (sex link), EE bantam and OEG bantam. then one day i realized i forgot to buy the layer feed and had to give the girls the Flock Raiser that i was feeding the younger birds. i had some oyster shell left over so i put some in a dish inside the coop for them. let me tell you, the girls eggs seemed to be better in quantity as well as quality. so i stopped buying layer feed and kept them all on Flock Raiser with the oyster shell in the free choice dish.

I've read about a few people doing this because they have roosters mixed in with their hens. Apparently, the extra calcium in layer feed isn't good for roosters so they feed a grower feed with calcium on the side. I did see however, that if the grower feed was higher than 16%, they cut it with other grains like wheat and oats to make sure it was 16% like the layer feed. Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on chicken feed, this is just what I have seen other people do. Good luck!
Layer ration is "supposed" to contain more of the trace elements and minerals etc, not just the calcium that layers require. That being said however,, even though I feed my layers the layer ration, they still get oyster shells free choice. Some birds just require more calcium than others and they will adjust themselves as to how much they need and eat. As far as the rooster thing goes,, shrugs,, mine range in with the layers and they have never keeled over,, in fact have observed them eating the oyster as well. I do know however from personal experience that too much calcium in young growing birds can have serious detrimental effects.
I feed mine a high quality layer feed with cracked corn and shells. As a treat i give them the chick food. They also free range on nice days.
Many of us feed flock raiser or some other multi flock feed instead of layer. You can feed it to all ages and sexes, no need for multiple bags of feed, and in my case it improves the birds' feather quality.
Many of us feed flock raiser or some other multi flock feed instead of layer. You can feed it to all ages and sexes, no need for multiple bags of feed, and in my case it improves the birds' feather quality.

x 2 - I'm one who chooses grower for all from hatch to last day in my flock, such a simple feed program.
I live in Phoenix and it's very hot in the summer I feed them lay pellets but the girls are plucking and eating feathers and over all their feathers don't look healthy. I ask the guys at my local feed store about switching to a healthier maybe organic feed he replied that it was to hot here any suggestions on giving them a healthier diet

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