Is my chicken depressed?

A change of food could have caused the loose poops. Did you swop gradually from one brand to another or just switch in one go? If switching food mixing both together gradually really helps so the can get used to the new brand slowly and it's not a shock to their digestive system. Is there any blood in the poop? Blood would point me towards coccidiosis and running some meds through them for that would help. As she is only odd when she should be going to roost at night I would say she has just decided she likes that spot better. Do you have a run around the loft they could be locked in prior to bed? This could encourage her to up to roost. If not I would keep putting her in the loft untill she realises that is wher she should go on an evening. Often when they are free range they will pick the spot they want and not where you want them to go. Right now I'm still trying to coop train a couple of pullets to go into the coop at night, they insist on getting on top and I have to put them in. With perseverance I'm hoping they get the idea, yours too in the long run also.

As for finding a nest, they sure can be sneaky hiding them. Does your loft have a nest box? A run around your loft could encourage them to lay in there rather than here and there. I personally would not let her go broody. She will still be recovering and going broody can take a lot out of them. Plus if you don't have fertile eggs nothing will hatch. From what you have described though I don't think she is.
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You mentioned she has lice. Have you gotten rid of them yet. May be that there's mites or something coming out at night and she don't want to be near them . Have you cleaned the coop good?
No blood in poop but I am going to go back to the feed they were preferring, as mentioned above I will do this gradually... I have treated both hens and the coop thoroughly for lice today hopefully that will help her relax morn in the evenings. I do also have a little run around area that I can close them into in the evenings so that she may understand that that is where she can safely and happily sleep.
Thank you everyone for all these very helpful tips!
Your most welcome! Treating and checking your coop regular may be needed and have a good look in all the nooks and crannies for mites. They are good at hiding and only come out at night to feed on the birds. They are good at hiding under perches too!! You may not see them during the day but they could still be there. They have a 7 day life cycle so treating your coop often is required.

Keep us posted on how you get on :D
my chicken is not eating and she is depressed. she will eat bird food and eggs but not pellets or other things. do you know why?
my hen is not eating and she is depressed. she eats bird food and eggs but not pellets and other things. she has had it for a while. someone help!!

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