Is my girl Muscovy a boy ? :o


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 25, 2012
My first time with ducks so just assumed they were females as they were so cute when chicks

(as some of you know i lost one at about a mth old) So was left with Quacker and 4 chickens. "she" is happy as with just being "her" and the chooks.
Sitting out the back the other day i noticed Quacker pecking/nibbling at the back of Betty's (my first chicken) neck.
Then Betty flattened out a little on the ground - which was weird cos she isn't bossy but she is dominant having been the first chicken/duck in this yard) and my first thought was - omg that looks just like a mating (or wanting to mate) pair of birds.

So now here is my problem. Is Quacker a male ?
Am i going to have to get a female Muscovy so 'He' leaves the chickens alone (re mounting/mating)
(as i have heard ducks mating with chickens can be harmful to chickens.

Here is a pic of Quacker

I have heard the curl in the tail feather is a sure sign it's a male, but it isnt always 'curling'
gosh now that i look at pic one from this angle, it sure looks like it's curling to me
Well, Muscovy don't get drake curls so that won't help you. Muscovy males are bigger overall, larger feet/legs they also only make a hissing/huffing sound. Whereas the ducks have sounds with cooing, trilling, quacking etc... they are also much smaller birds.

How old is the bird? what kind of vocals are you getting? i examined all my pics and i am leaning towards male, it looks on the bigger side, the head doesn't look feminine either, mind you it's hard with pictures...

I do have a shot of my one drake and his sister duck from last summer which helps to show the differences...

and another one of my other birds from a few years ago, they were about 5+mths old

As for the mating of chickens with a drake, some seem to be able to keep them satisfied with having a duck others have not, and your right the risk of death for a chicken is definitely possible. I only have two drakes now but they are nowhere near my chickens despite the fact they have numerous ducks to um, contend with lol Not a chance i am willing to take.
Looking at pics does make it hard to decided especially if there isn't another Scovie to judge by, One reason I was asking age. I was leaning towards drake but didn't want to say till heard age, and if chicken and duck have been raised together doesn't actually mean duck would try to mate and there for think it was drake, heck my EE will drop if i speak to her and I'm not a duck or a roo. LOL Now if duck does turn into being a drake then you would be much better off separating them for your hens protection. And your duck will need a friend they do much better if they have one of their own.
oh no
please be a female then,
cos separating them is going to be quite difficult in my yard and with the set up i have here for them all

Here are some more pics.

Above- First night i had my ducks - Oct 21st. Am assuming they were no more than 1 week old.

Below - Size comparison to the Pekin i had for a short while recently
(they told me she was ready to lay eggs, but not how old she actually was)
She has gone to live on acerage so no longer have her.

oh no
please be a female then,
cos separating them is going to be quite difficult in my yard and with the set up i have here for them all

Here are some more pics.

Above- First night i had my ducks - Oct 21st. Am assuming they were no more than 1 week old.

Below - Size comparison to the Pekin i had for a short while recently
(they told me she was ready to lay eggs, but not how old she actually was)
She has gone to live on acerage so no longer have her.

Precious pics, and if Pekin was close to laying then any where from 5-7 months most likely, then your Quackers is not quite 3 months old yet and pretty good size really making me lean towards drake. I'd say 2 ducks to go with Quackers, but give it another month first, just watch the interaction between Hen and Quackers just in case he wants to carry it further than just nibbling. See since they have been raised together the close bond they have makes nibbling and such easy to do for them and means your hen would be receptive to Quackers advances not realizing it could lead to mating. But at 3 months I don't think he could yet. Another couple of months and I'd be worried.
oh my goodness, men!

Thanks You. I'll keep a good eye on Him/Her

I spend a lot of time with them outside as it's my fave place to be
That's a handsome little duck you've got there . . . and I am 99% sure it is a drake. And boy, is he a handsome one. (I'm going mostly on body shape, by the way, as well as face.)
A question for you: how did Quackers feather in? If s/he grew all his/her feathers before ye olde growth spurt, likelihood is female.
If s/he stayed mostly fuzzy, got bigger, and then slowly grew feathers, likelihood is male. If it occasionally sounds like a teakettle, treasure those moments. :)

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