Is my hen grieving?

Coco woke up a happy happy girl today! She took this month old baby and is loving it just as much as Mouse! She really is the sweetest hen.
Our dog, who grew up with the Chooks and has never hurt one, took the life of one of our "pet" Barreds last week.
It was a fluke, I think.
She fell off a fence she likes to swing on and happened to fall right in front of him.
I think she was knocked out or winded briefly, any way he pawwed at her and she didn't respond so he picked her up. When he picked her up she come to and starteled him and herself. He bit down out of instinct no to loose her and cut an artery in her back. She bled out fast.
He mourned her right along with the Chooks.
One of our Reds ran out to him and jumped on his back and stayed there cooing and chucking for about 10 minutes.
Our Rooster stood over her and I swear he was crying instead of crowing...he sounded all strangled.
Anals do grieve and the do help each other through hard times.
Just love them...
I have no grieving chicken story other than once a raccoon got into the coop and killed 10 of my babies. The next night all the chickens refused to go back in the coop and they didn't eat or drink anything regularly. The ones that didn't lose any friends recovered quickly but the ones who did lose friends seemed to huddle closer together and took around 2 months before they perked up again.

Wishing Coco and her chicks well! :hugs
Well nearly a week later and Coco and her adopted baby are 2 peas in a pod! Thank you all again for all the tips and support for helping Coco and I get over the loss of Mouse.
I’m so sorry to hear that but undead yes she will grieve.
I had a rooster who grieved his favourite hen who died. You will find in the same way humans do chickens will always have the ache and sadness but they learn to get on with their life. Your silkie is probably grieving the death of her baby at the moment. Give her time to recover before you give her more chicks or eggs to hatch, so sorry for your poor hen.

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