Is my hen grieving?

She needs friends. If you want to do something special look for chickens in need of a home. Someone in a hard situation looking for someone to care for their chickens. You could be a answer to prayer. Think about it.
Yes you’d have to go through all the quarantine period (make sure their not sick) and yes you’d have to introduce them properly.
But what a blessing to come
Out of a tragic situation.
Just food for thought.
I believe chickens grieve. I've never known what to do about it when it happens.
@Hen Pen Jem has given you some good advice regarding the health risks.
A hen here who lost her rooster lost interest in eating basically and lost a lot of weight.
She did recover and stopped calling for her rooster when she perched for the night, but it took almost a month.
I hope she recovers.:love
Thank you all! I'm going to work with her to pull through. She has a flock of 4 other hens and her roo. Im going to see how she does but if she doesn't improve I have a chick I can give her from my friend. I was wanting to give her a break from motherhood after everything but if that's what's going to make her happy I may have to. I may also be adding a black pullet silkie to the flock so I'm hoping the 2 will bond. Coco doesn't care how big small young or old the chick is she will still care for it. I'll keep you all updated thank you all so so much!
This year I got my first silkie pair, my hen went broody so I let her hatch. This was my first hatching experience and an experience it was..... not good though. Her clutch failed so we got 7 fertile eggs which 2 hatched 1 survived. Brought home 4 chicks to add which she took too immediately. Those 4 passed away within a week or 2. That left us her hatchling Mouse, we loved her for over a month until a heart breaking thing happened. She was taken within feet from Coco and I by a hawk. Coco squawked I ran at it but we were too late. Now 2 days has gone by and she won't leave the coop or eat if I'm not there. I've got her eating apples, spinach, mealworms, crumbles and mash but that's only if I'm with her. I'm worried she is depressed from losing her babies. She normally doesn't want to be picked up or held but she only perks up when I come around now and actually cuddles with me. What can I do to help her get past this?View attachment 1572193
Oh this is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry this happened. I'm not sure if they do grieve as we know it but when I've lost hens, I do notice a change in behaviour from the ones that were close. It's always so sad. She has you still and if she's molting she won't be feeling good about that either. If she will take to having chicks then wait till she's finished with the molt and see how she does. I'd definately recommend keeping them enclosed if you have hawks about.
I would suggest getting her the chick from your friend, your hen is grieving. Motherhood isn't as straining on a hen as being broody, so she'll be fine, if not better with a chick to take her mind off of things. It really is heartbreaking to see a bird grieve. My Stepdad accidentally ran over the male of my mallard pair whilst the female was nesting. That day, the female mallard threw every egg out of her nest, and stopped eating for days. It was heartbreaking.
I went with the chick advice and just snuck it under Coco a little while ago. The moment she heard that baby she was calling to it. She's just purring away now with her new baby and I'm literally in tears now lol. She didn't eat anything after I fed her today and was still in the corner when I came home from lunch and work. I'll let you all know how they are in the morning but right now Coco couldn't be more happy.
I went with the chick advice and just snuck it under Coco a little while ago. The moment she heard that baby she was calling to it. She's just purring away now with her new baby and I'm literally in tears now lol. She didn't eat anything after I fed her today and was still in the corner when I came home from lunch and work. I'll let you all know how they are in the morning but right now Coco couldn't be more happy.

Aww, Cocco sounds like an absolute sweetie:love I'm glad she's happy with the new chick, please keep us updated.
I went with the chick advice and just snuck it under Coco a little while ago. The moment she heard that baby she was calling to it. She's just purring away now with her new baby and I'm literally in tears now lol. She didn't eat anything after I fed her today and was still in the corner when I came home from lunch and work. I'll let you all know how they are in the morning but right now Coco couldn't be more happy.

Aww, Cocco sounds like an absolute sweetie:love I'm glad she's happy with the new chick, please keep us updated.
Aww, Cocco sounds like an absolute sweetie:love I'm glad she's happy with the new chick, please keep us updated.
She really is I've never seen a hen just take in any baby you give her. It doesn't matter if it's brand new or older. She's had chicks that she's taken care of before that sold so we are hoping after a week or so we will be able to remove the baby and her be ok and not thinking it was taken by a hawk. All she wants is to be a mom so next spring we will let her try again hatching her own.

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