Is my hen sick? If she is will u help me to treat her.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
Well I guess she isn't a hen she is 4months old. I just bought her. She has diarrhea, she just stands there with her eye closed I looked close and she has some liquid goop in her eyes, and she has stuff coming out of her nostrals. She seems to eat fine thought. Please help me.
Where did you get her from? If it were me, I would return her. Respiratory illnesses are too difficult to deal with. They can ruin your chances of ever having a successful and healthy flock. Please make sure that you have her in a quarantine environment. You do not want her mixing with your other chickens.

Good luck!

I'm not going to suggest a treatment since most respiratory illnesses cannot be cured. The chicken, although it appears healthy, will remain a carrier for life..putting your flock, now and in the future, in danger.

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