Is my pot belly pig pregnant?!?!?

Maybe she's going through a false pregnancy.

... Numerous causes and conditions contribute to NIP sows; however, pseudopregnancy (or false pregnancy) is perhaps the most difficult to understand, diagnose or prevent. In brief, pseudopregnancy can occur when all of the embryos are resorbed after the maternal recognition of pregnancy and before fetal calcification (Days 30-40 of gestation). Although the embryos are lost, the sow's ovaries continue to function as if the animal was pregnant. Consequently, the sow remains anestrus for prolonged periods, often as long as 115 days. These animals may exhibit varying degrees of udder development, yet fail to deliver any pigs, alive or dead. Unfortunately, producers often mistakenly diagnose these animals as pregnant....
I believe that is probably what happened. I got my hopes up and when that happens everything goes the opposite of what I want it lol. Same with when I was trying to get pregnant, every time I thought I was and was getting excited I ended up not being, but when I denied it and told everyone they were crazy and I wasn't....I was. Go figure huhh. lol

cute baby bunnies starling
Goin on to check on stinkerbelle hoping for babies this am. This was her yesterday.
this is stinkerbelle this am . She is about to pop. Due any day could be anytime now. If she don't have them by thurs I'm callin vet back out but when she came last week she told all look good an she had about a week left to let her know by thurs so we shall see. !!!! Keep praying that stinkerbelle has these babies..... Exhausted from waiting lol
go stinker go have them babies! Jazzy's belly is about as big as stinkerbell's but her tits are not like hers. They are full of milk(or something no drops of milk or anything). Has stinkerbell had babies before or is this her first litter? Jazzy had a milky white discharge today. That pig is going to drive me crazy. I do have a question for other pig owners, and this is something new. Jazmine has gotten very protective of her nest box. Is that normal for them to be that way? We have a new dog and if that dog gets near it she charges. She doesn't do it outside, I had them together outside and she didn't charge sky(our new dog) but followed her around. She also got upset when I got close to her bed tonight. She didn't do it to Liana though. Also jasmine does not like the new dog around Liana. We were outside the fence and Sky went up to Liana and Jasmine came running toward liana, how do you put it......half way between a screaming oink and a mad oink up to the fence. Once she got there and saw Liana was okay she stopped and was fine. One strange pig. She also doesn't have a litter box in her inside pen. She kept dumping it and sleeping in the shaving and just going to the bathroom in one corner and pushing all the shavings(and toys and DIAPER, Liana thinks she needs to share EVERYTHING with her) to the other side to sleep on. She doesn't even sleep on the bed anymore. lol

wow I ramble way to much on here, next thing you know I will be telling everyone my daily life. *whispering* don't tell anyone but I like BYC better than facebook....ssshhhhhh

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