Is my rooster "normal"???


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Northern Rhode Island
I was wondering if ti was normal for a rooster to sit in the nest boxes? He seems to go in the ones the hens don't use but still ????

Also, he swings his head in a figure 8 he ok?

I am still working on him not being a meanie - but he still attacks my daughter and visitors. :-(
Does he also back up while doing the figure 8? I have one rooster named JJ that backs up with his head toward the ground. He seems fine other than that.

Hope somebody can help ya out cause I would like to know as well.
Not that unusual for roos to sit in the nest boxes. Sometimes they try to coax a hen in there with them. Have you ever seen a roo standing beside the hen making strange sounds as she is laying? Then he cackles the loudest when she lays the egg!
Some of my roos will swing their head like you described. I thought it was because their wattles got in disarray and they were rearranging them.

As far as being mean It has been a lost cause for me..... I have tried lots of methods to change the behavior and they still got me when my guard was down..And I have visitors with small children and cannot chance it. So I sell or give them away AND tell them up front that they are mean.
I have a young turken roo that acts like he's in love with me. Will do the wing drag dance and get all excited. When I walk near him he grabs my shoe.... I have tried holding him and still have a love bite mark on my arm where he grabbed hold. I thinks he is confused..
Not sure what to do with this one.....
I have a RIR rooster that is about 6mo. old. I swear he thinks he's a hen. He hasn't crowed. I've seen him laying on the eggsin the boxes! I think he is confused. Do you think he has transgender issues? LOL! He doesn't harm the eggs, just sits there!
This is my first post here as you guys know everything and all I have to do is search and you guys have the answers! Thank you all..
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LOL.. All my roos lay in the boxes. I think it's just a "hey baby look at me" kinda thing. A few of them will even get in the box with the hen while she's trying to lay. I don't think we will ever know what goes thru these chickens heads, but it sure is fun trying to figure it out!!

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