Is pasty butt obvious?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 15, 2014
I've had my chicks one day now, and they didn't poop much yesterday, or really start eating until last night.This morning they've been pooping more. I picked them up to look, and it doesn't seem like there's pasty butt, but it looks like there's a little but stuck on the bottom of theyre feathers. The vent does not look clogged up at all, and its only a tiny bit on the feather. Should I clean it off or leave it? If they did get pasty butt how obvious would it be?
Yes, you'll know as you will see poop pasted over their butt's, it can build up, dry and prevent them from pooping. I usually clean it even if it's just a little piece since it's much easier to get a little bit off then if it builds up to more. If you start to have a lot of trouble with pasty butt's then it's time to check your heat and make sure they are not to hot and that they have enough room to get completely away from the heat source when they need to. A half a teaspoon of raw ACV per quart of water really helps clear up pasty butt as well.
Thanks. I cleaned it off just in case, but I'll be sure to continue checking. Also yesterday they were extremely loud, but today I haven't heard a peep. Should I be worried?
Usually there should be a lot of soft peeping when they are up and about, and then they'll all crash and take a nap. Very loud, shrill peeping usually means they are unhappy for some reason, maybe cold, maybe just because it was their first day there. Just watch them for a bit. They should alternate periods of activity, eating/drinking, zipping around and peeping with napping fairly often this first week or so.
One of mine had it- it lasted a day- it was obvious. I could see it on her. I used warm water and cleaned the area with cotton balls and q-tips until it was loose/clean. Then I applied warm vegetable oil around the area. That night she got mashed hardboiled eggs/grit and hasn't had any issue since then. I think she was stressed out- we've since then tried not to pick them up all of the time- they seem very scared when I reach my hand in from above them.
Loud peeping is usually a sign of being cold. Make sure the heating lamp is low enough and also make sure they have a space to move away from the heat. Get a cheap thermometer (Walmart) and lay it right under the spot where the heat lamp is shinning down. At this age the temp should be 95 degrees. After about a week raise the lamp up higher and check the temp again - should be at 90 degrees - 5 degrees per week until they are at 70 degrees. I just used a clear Tupperware tote without the lid of course. They also might not be eating since the first few days of life they are still full from the egg yolk. They can go a couple of days without eating when they first hatch. Do you have chick starter crumble for them??? I found I was cleaning their water 3 times a day at that age - just because it got so dirty with the pine chips. What kind of bedding are you using??

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Loud peeping is usually a sign of being cold. Make sure the heating lamp is low enough and also make sure they have a space to move away from the heat. Get a cheap thermometer (Walmart) and lay it right under the spot where the heat lamp is shinning down. At this age the temp should be 95 degrees. After about a week raise the lamp up higher and check the temp again - should be at 90 degrees - 5 degrees per week until they are at 70 degrees. I just used a clear Tupperware tote without the lid of course. They also might not be eating since the first few days of life they are still full from the egg yolk. They can go a couple of days without eating when they first hatch. Do you have chick starter crumble for them??? I found I was cleaning their water 3 times a day at that age - just because it got so dirty with the pine chips. What kind of bedding are you using??

They were cold, so I lowered the lamp and they were better. Chick starter feed, and shredded newspaper bedding, since now they're 3-4 days old. I had a thermometer but it didn't work very well, so now I'm just kind of watching them. They sleep under the lamp, but when they're awake they run all over the place, so I think they're good. They sleep a lot, but they're young so I'm assuming thats normal. When they are awake theres some soft peeping, but nothing as loud as when I got them yesturday.
Sounds like normal chicks to me. They are like babies - they sleep a lot at first and then they are non-stop when they grow up. Glad to hear they are doing well - enjoy them, hold them and talk to them as much as you can at this age - makes for a much nicer chicken and easy to handle when you need to later on.

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