
In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2021
I have a Peking drake, very big but only 5 months old. A few weeks ago he suffered a foot injury, looks like his middle toe is broken. He was unable to really put weight on the foot but he still managed to get around. I isolated him and put him in a pool to swim and get exercise everyday to try and help him best I could. Now it looks like his leg is infected and his foot almost entirely useless, and he has foamy eyes which may or may not be related. The closest vet that accepts ducks charges almost $100 just for a checkup. Another thing: I recently lost 3 golden comet hens and a chocolate English Orpington rooster to some nocturnal predators. Is it worth taking my duck to the vet for that price? I have them locked up at night, but another predator attack is a possibility, especially as it starts to get warmer around here. Any opinions? Also any diy treatment options I could try? I’d hate to have to put him down, but as bad as it may sound I’m not sure it’s worth the price of a vet checkup, let alone actual treatment fees. Thanks
I have a Peking drake, very big but only 5 months old. A few weeks ago he suffered a foot injury, looks like his middle toe is broken. He was unable to really put weight on the foot but he still managed to get around. I isolated him and put him in a pool to swim and get exercise everyday to try and help him best I could. Now it looks like his leg is infected and his foot almost entirely useless, and he has foamy eyes which may or may not be related. The closest vet that accepts ducks charges almost $100 just for a checkup. Another thing: I recently lost 3 golden comet hens and a chocolate English Orpington rooster to some nocturnal predators. Is it worth taking my duck to the vet for that price? I have them locked up at night, but another predator attack is a possibility, especially as it starts to get warmer around here. Any opinions? Also any diy treatment options I could try? I’d hate to have to put him down, but as bad as it may sound I’m not sure it’s worth the price of a vet checkup, let alone actual treatment fees. Thanks
Yes the vet is worth it!!
"Is a vet worth it or not?" is a very individual question. For me, yes! I always go to the vet. Also, I frequently spend thousands of dollars on one duck and still don't know what is wrong with her. I don't blame the vet, I accept that ducks are hard to treat. Still, it gives my ducks the best chance at recovery and I'm not comfortable taking risks with them to save money.

If you can accept that your duck may not get better even though you take him to the vet, I would recommend taking him. They will likely recommend testing, radiographs (likely with sedation to keep him from padding his feet), and fine needle aspiration and culture of the swelling. You can decline tests and ask for antibiotics and pain meds instead. But then he may be on the wrong antibiotic. My vet charges about $1000 for the above tests and medications.

I don't want to discourage you from seeing the vet, as it feels obvious to me that it is best for your duck to see one. But the exam is often just the start of the expenses.

Alternatively, you can get eye ointment and oral antibiotics OTC.
Sorry I forgot to add, if he does have a broken toe cage rest may be appropriate. One of my ducks broke her leg years ago and her vet recommended cage rest. We took her back weekly for radiographs and could see her bones filling in. She fully recovered without a limp.

Her situation was different, she had no infection or swellings. We had her in a small crate so she moved around as little as possible for 6 weeks. We had her on straw at night and fresh grass during the day. The crate had no bottom so we placed it on top of these surfaces and carried her.

I hope this helps you help your duck if you can't take him to the vet.
The checkup may be $100, but the treatment would likely be several hundred more. The fact that your asking the question at all makes me think that to you it may not be worth it. Only you can answer that. Pics would help for treatment options. Personally i would give the duck 100% of my time and buy any medication i thought would help but i would not take him to the vet. In similar cases vets have recomend amputation so be ready for that. If i took a duck to the vet i probably wouldnt regret it but at the same time i know i have better things to do with my money.
I have a Peking drake, very big but only 5 months old. A few weeks ago he suffered a foot injury, looks like his middle toe is broken. He was unable to really put weight on the foot but he still managed to get around. I isolated him and put him in a pool to swim and get exercise everyday to try and help him best I could. Now it looks like his leg is infected and his foot almost entirely useless, and he has foamy eyes which may or may not be related. The closest vet that accepts ducks charges almost $100 just for a checkup. Another thing: I recently lost 3 golden comet hens and a chocolate English Orpington rooster to some nocturnal predators. Is it worth taking my duck to the vet for that price? I have them locked up at night, but another predator attack is a possibility, especially as it starts to get warmer around here. Any opinions? Also any diy treatment options I could try? I’d hate to have to put him down, but as bad as it may sound I’m not sure it’s worth the price of a vet checkup, let alone actual treatment fees. Thanks
Depends on whether you can afford it and whether the duck is a pet or just livestock.
I have a hen that recently got injured and needed stitches and antibiotics. I'd rather not spend that kind of $$$ on a $10 duck, but I can't let an animal suffer if I can possibly help it. My ducks are somewhere in between pets and livestock.
My dogs are pets. I have spent whatever it takes for my dogs when they have needed cranial ligament surgery. My dogs eat grass fed beef and sleep on down comforters.
Lucky for me the emergency vet was also an avian specialist.
If you're not too late, it's likely that the exam fee and $20 for Cephalexin can save that ducks life.

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