Is there something wrong with me?

What Is wrong with me?

  • I am totally evil, and so evil Hitler is perfect and has not done any wrong compared to me

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • I am the meanest person in the whole world and people ought to torture me

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • I'm normal but related to an orchard of fruit and nut trees

    Votes: 29 100.0%

  • Total voters
Wouldn't it be funny if Grampa's name actually WAS Werner, but because of the way it was pronounced the "family" just "assumed" the spelling was with a "V" vice the real "W" that it should be? :lau Something to consider. On my birth cert, my middle name is spelled with a "u" in it but whoever wrote it made it look like an "a"... so as a kid, I was confused as to what letter it actually was. I used the "a" when I joined the military so all my military docs have the "a" when in fact my actual name is a spelled with a "u". Doesn't much matter as I know who I am :D
Spelled exactly like mine but the cousins spell it vorner vernor or vornor but they get mad when I correct them because "we always called him grandpa we never had to spell it" I tell them well I am your cousin and younger than you so I can't be your grandpa stupid!
My mother always told us as children, you have two names use either one.

My sibling twins had middle names of Gary and she was Gay (which she's gotten alot of flack about lately) Much better names then the Ulysses and Unis my paternal grandmother wanted, lol

I'm named after both grandmothers. My mom's mother Elisa, my second name I love!

It was believed to be for my great grandpa Elias.

Sadly we learned the name was his girlfriend he left behind in Spain when he migrated to Mexico.

So I'm named after my great grandpa's girlfriend, lol

Go figure

I am named after my Father's ex-girlfriend. It didn't seem to bother my Mom.:D
All my extended family are called by a name other than their first name..... my parents in their wisdom gave three of their four children short names that can’t really be shortened..... I of course got the long name my brothers were very happy not to be named Oakden.
I haven’t been called my full given name probably since it was written on my birth certificate, unless of course I was in trouble for something!
The name you chose (middle, shortened, nickname) and the one your friends use is usually the name that suits you because they also know you like it and they love you for who you are, no expectations.
I feel sorry for the Irish girls outside Ireland, all the Siobhans and the Saiorses and the gaelic spelt named girls.
I can only imagine. I have a cat named Cerridwen and at the vet, they fill out all of the paperwork and fill it out fresh every visit, so at the vet, she is Carrie to make it easier to having to spell that name every time and then explain how it is said (care-a-dwen)
oh, all the welsh girls (and cats?) as well. Let's just say all of the non-anglicised spellings and pronunciations. It must be annoying to have to not only spell it all the time, but tell people how to say it. There's a video of Saiorse Ronan on youtube trying to read all of these other actors' difficult names.
I had a friend Pauline

First name Mary like all 5 siblings.

The only one that went by first name Mary is the oldest.

My first name after paternal grandmother Margaret Wells. She went by Maggie all her life. Cousins and I had all names handed down, Augustis Benjamin Elizabeth Katherine Edmund Columbus Edward Walter I'm sure spelling has changed since family immigrated from Ireland
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Ewwwwwww doggie! Family at times, is having a flooded outhouse. You never know what will come out. Be who you are (unless you are a serial killer, drug addict...etc....) and live your life as you see fit. Ignore them. I have a few family members I haven't spoken to in years. Doesn't bother me. Doesn't bother them. We all have our row to hoe and we don't need family wrecking our row or breaking our hoe.
Reading this makes me so grateful for the family I have! I've got a couple people in my family i try to stay a away from but most are very kind.

I would say it is not worth your time to fuss with them. You have every right to change your name or what ever.

My cousin who just came to live with us wanted a name changed from PaganPJustice to Thomas. And my parents gladly agreed. (We are adopting our cousin).

My middle name is after my Nana "malu" and first name my dad and mom just liked "Shey".

I love the name Wener, but never heard you're first name. (think I spelled it right).

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