Is there such a thing as a nice Goose???

All geese are nice if you know how to handle them
Of course they will walk all over you if you let them too
And stand around on you too it looks like from here. @Gooseman790 Welcome to BYC!!
Thank you. The little icon that was mentioned, I don't have one of those. Not sure why so I am unable to post a photo. Boo !!!!

Are you on a phone or tablet? I find I can't post pictures from my tablet, only when I'm on my computer. As for your original question, I use to have geese as a kid and they weren't really friendly or aggressive either way. But we hatched one ourselves when the eggs in the nest kept getting broken, and that one was like a puppy. It always attacked my mom when she was hanging washing but that might be because she was always shouting at it. Otherwise it followed us everywhere. When it was little it used to sit on my head when I was swimming, and once it was full grown it still tried to ride on my head every time I swam. He was really very sweet.
Every Goose I have come across is terribly aggressive! I had a male Chinese Goose that tried to kill me even after I raised it. I now have two Goslings, a Tufted Roman and a Pomeranian, both are females. I must be a glutton for punishment but I really would love to have a nice Goose, just once! 

Pilgrims are fairly docile. My Pilgrim goose is sweet and gentle, though our gander has become somewhat aggressive since the start of breeding season. I found this information about training an aggressive gander helpful:

Good luck with the new goslings!
Leonardo has a death wish! This is the 3rd time I've had to grab his neck and show him who's boss, he's not getting it! I did have fun annoying him a little yesterday, while holding his neck I picked him up and rubbed his belly and dang did he get mad. He had both girls screaming right along with him but they wouldn't get too close. LOL I think after mating season they will be separated and I'm going to try and tame these wild critters. Any suggestions? I don't even know how old they are but I sure wish the previous owner would have spent some time with them so they wouldn't be so afraid of us.
Leonardo has a death wish! This is the 3rd time I've had to grab his neck and show him who's boss, he's not getting it! I did have fun annoying him a little yesterday, while holding his neck I picked him up and rubbed his belly and dang did he get mad. He had both girls screaming right along with him but they wouldn't get too close. LOL I think after mating season they will be separated and I'm going to try and tame these wild critters. Any suggestions? I don't even know how old they are but I sure wish the previous owner would have spent some time with them so they wouldn't be so afraid of us.
After breeding season is over just spend as much time as you can outside with them. They may never get close I brought home a female Toulouse almost 5 yrs ago for my gander and she still doesn't like to be touched or handled. She will take meal worms from me now. My gander is way to familiar with me since he was hatched here. But right now the geese are just ornery things and nothing short of tying them up is going to do much to tame them. Just keep up with what your doing, not letting him get the advantage of you. It's a daily thing here too. Now my gander and Muscovy drake are fighting so I am having to keep them apart. So much fun living with these birds isn't it. lol

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