Is this a Barred Rock or a Marans hen? (PIC)

I vote for Maran. You should treat her legmites tho, they can loose their feet if they get legmites bad enough.

I usually drip Ivomec all over the scales twice a week for 3 weeks and then the legs get better, dipping the feet/legs in some sort of oil several times a month works too(it suffocates the mites).
I will do that. Is that why her legs look so scaley? Just when I thought I knew it all....
Do you dip in Ivomec, or just drizzle it on there? How about spraying it on there?
for show birds you want yellow legs, however birds that have been laying for a long time have pale legs like hers. Our older barred rock hen has white legs like that as well, and just as 'cuckoo' looking barring, because they aren't from show stock. That is the type of coloring you see from hatchery birds, ect. But mine lays only tan eggs, so if they are darker than that, she could be a maran?
A BR would have yellow legs and bill. But, a BR could also be 'bleached out' due to egg laying. I guess based on the evidence I would go with Marans, too.... but none of mine are that dinstinctively black/white... a lot more copper, gray undertones in my Marans.

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