Is this a bread of chicken or a horrible form of abuse


In the Brooder
May 18, 2015
Combee Settlement, Lakeland, FL
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It looks as though it could be either. My guess is that it is a breed because it is not scruffy. The chicken doesn't have any cuts that I can see. There are breeds that don't have feathers in certain areas.
Appears to be a Ga Noi Game Fowl, the 'naked' gene has been exploited and purposely breed into that breed to produce different 'naked' pattern birds like that, in the neck region, primarily for 'eye' appeal in cock fighting circles... While others 'trim' the feathers to expand upon the nakedness for more eye appeal in the ring and so the feathers don't get in the way or provide a grabbing point for the opponent...

The trimming process is called 'dubbing' and it's not for the faint of heart, as it also generally involves removing the wattles and comb...
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