Is this a good idea?

just a regular old thermometer can be set down at chick height to ensure that you are getting a good temp under the heat source. First week they need to be at 95, drop 5 degrees the next week and again the week after until you get to the point you don't need the heat any longer. Make sure the chicks can get away from the heat as well if they are feeling too warm. They will self regulate where they need to be to be comfortable if given the option :) hope this helps!

Okay thanks but they have space to be cool but tonight and in the morning it will be cold in Michigan will the bulb keep them warm?
In my experience, most likely yes, just keep an eye on their behavior, if they seem fluffed up, peeping in a loud insistent distressed way and huddled together they are likely too cold. If they are evenly dispersed through the heat lamp light then they are pretty happy peeping in a cheery way :)

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