Is this a Guinea?


7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
Just about a month ago,I purchased a variety pack of baby chicks from McMurray. I had one little chick that has seemed to grow extremly slow compared to the other. I thought it was an Easter Egger, but my uncle came by today and he said "Oh, you have a little guinea" so I looked at it and one other one that is bigger and they do indeed look different. Really fuzzy head and roundy looking bodies. The pictures below are the bigger one. The other one is very tiny and hasn't even developed neck feathers yet. Can you tell me if they are really Guinea Fowl?

Maybe I can get a photo of the smaller one that my uncle commented on. He/She is much tinier than the one in this photo. They are about a month and a half.
I agree Not. But it definitely is an unusual looking bird. No comb or wattles It looks cold.

FWIW Guinea Keets grow faster than chickens. Hatched at the same time guinea chicks double in weight in the first week almost and by the second week their feathers are well enough developed they can fly pretty good. They are also three times more active..... Little jack booters.... Heh heh.

OK I took a look on the internet Chick this out

Scotts Dumpy is a chicken breed with incredibly short legs.... But I didnt find any on the Murray McMurray site. Hmmmm....

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