Is this a male (peacock)?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 30, 2011
So I made a spur of the moment decision and bought two "young peafowl" at the stock market sale tonight. I've always wanted peacocks but we were waiting until we moved, or at least that is what we had decided on last summer :) Tonight I bid on a trio of white peafowl and didn't get it (the hubby was VERY relieved) but then at the end of the night there were 2 selling much cheaper and one bid landed them right in my lap! What can I say? It was meant to be :) So I'm pretty sure they are India Blue Peacocks, but a second opinion would be reassuring if anyone could take a look. They are identical so I'm only posting on picture. They were crammed in a little tiny box so I got one out to put in this little metal cage until the morning. Don't worry, that's not where he's staying :)
Thank you! That's what I thought but wasn't sure. I've read so many of your posts in the past years so thank you for all of them!!!

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