is this a pullet/hen? ...almost 6 months old.


7 Years
Jun 20, 2016
The temperament is super calm!

Is that a white leghorn? Those usually aren't calm. But at 6 months, I would think girl according to size of comb and waddles though I had a hard time making out the tail feathers.

Heard any sounds coming out of her? Usually girls start squawking at certain point.

If it's something else like a rock, I am unsure.
Not much noise. I have 6 at same age. They were given to me as chicks, and I don't know the breeds. Some are mixes, for sure. No crowing, but some cackling....
Cackling is a sign of female.

Either way, for that age, I still think girl. The combs and waddles on boys usually start to redden up around 6-8 weeks. And my WLH comb and waddles look huge compared to say the BR, different breeds have different size combs even if straight.
I was nervous that she, and another just like her, were roosters after a fellow hen started to look like a rooster, and really must be. He has pointy saddle feathers and neck feathers. However, her (their) feathers aren't pointed, in those areas, just a little thin/disheveled?
Meanwhike, I will need to take a closer look at the one (of 6) that I was sure was a rooster. He might have rounded feathers? ...And isn't maturing like a rooster--his comb and waddles do not seem to have gotten disproportionately bigger over the last month(s)?
Two of six are hens, for sure. I think one is a sex-linked, rhode island and Jersey giant or similar. She developed coloring as expected from the time she was a chick, and looks like a sharp hen! Fyi, these were given to me from a school program hatch and they didn't know the breeds...
Coincidentally, I have pics of the two I just discussed in my last post. I had posted the pics in the "breed" section.
It appears that I had one or both genders wrong...some of which were based on earlier feathering and wing feathers (I'll post new pics today).
Thought was female and might not be? ...but is certainly showing male adult feathering, largest, dominant, most aggressive (6 month, no crowing):

Thought was male:
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