Is this a rat?

Lol, I was thinking the same thing. Could be a ground squirrel. Awfully clean and light colored for a rat. Do you see thirteen stripes?
It's definitely quick! I don't know if you get Deer Mice where you are? We have them in Canada and they are that colour brown on back white bellies they are bigger then a field mouse but smaller than a rat (about 1/2 size of rat when full grown) it's hard to see how big it is, but it definitely knows where it's hole is!! if you stuff the hole and all the gaps under the wall with steel wool (rodents can't chew through it) than hammer in some wood or if you have metal panels use those and put it right over the cracks and holes in the wall put it all the way to the floor and put your trap in the coop with bait, peanut butter works well for a few nights , you will hopefully catch it if you haven't locked it in the wall!!!you have already kicked out your girls may as well get your rodent!!!
Good luck, I just got rid of my rat, she was bold enough to build her nest right in with my girls and had 8 pups!!! needless to say they were all evicted, and I locked my good barn cat in the feed room for a few nights!!!
With Rodents and chicken barns it's hard not to feel like Sylvester the cat always trying to catch my mouse, and resorting to a lot of his crazy ideas too ;)
Little bugger...well, at least you know it isn't Godzilla under there!!
Couldn't find a ruler, so I made my own. Those are inches marked. Stapled it to the wall and since I'm not waiting for another picture of MF I superimposed the original with a shot of the ruler off my trail cam. Maybe this will give us a better idea of his size. Not perfect but the best I can do for now. Yes, I'm spending way too much time with this.

And it is colored like a mouse, but there is no way in heck that a mouse made those tunnels. Of course, there's always the chance that the photo isn't MF but something else living out there.


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