Is this a rat?

No more cam pics. I had ordered 30 chicks that got too big for the pen in the garage, so I had to move them into that pen and take the camera out. I filled the tunnels in inside that pen and MF has not been back in there. Yet. However, he is still living in the goose side.

So all we have is that one vague picture. And I still cannot catch/kill him. I pulled all my feed up for awhile and guess what that got me? He raided my eggs. I'm thinking I should just keep feeding him and add 1 rat to my list of livestock I own. Maybe I can make a pet of him? Ya know, if you can't beat him, join him philosophy!

So this is what hasn't worked so far:
live trap with peanut butter
rat trap with peanut butter
rat trap with wet dog food
(he didn't even touch either one)
dog (that was a long shot)
poisonous smoke bombs
a bowl of antifreeze

Next up in my arsenal:

And since I already have my trail cam pulled from the woods I think I will set it up outside the back of the barn. MF has an exit hole there. I'll have to wade through tons of pictures of my geese and chickens but it would be nice to see if anything else is out there. I'll let you know if I find anything!
Son of a (insert long string of very bad cuss words here)! Just went out to the barn and look what I found. I am VERY very upset. Two other chicks missing.

Oh nooooo!! I'm SO sorry - that's a devastating and gruesome thing to find.

I didn't know packrats would kill like that? I thought they just stole eggs and feed? Or, could something else have gotten in?

I hope your two missing chicks turn up. Crossing my fingers that they're just tucked away in a good hiding spot somewhere!!

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