Is this a seizure? 5 week old chick? **video**


6 Years
Sep 20, 2017
This is almost week 3 of my chick not being well.
She can't stand but can move her legs. She has not broke anything.
About 2 days ago she starts having what I believe to be seizure. Everytime I touch her or someone makes a sound. Can someone give me some advice on what to do.

This is the video
I am not sure that is seizure activity, it could be, but it looks neurological. She seems to be trying to get up, and her legs and wings don’t work. How old is she? Oh, I see that she is 5 weeks old. Was she vaccinated as a chick for Mareks disease? Was she walking normally up until 3 weeks ago? You could try some vitamins on her if you haven’t already. I would give 400 IU of vitamin E daily, plus 1/4 tablet of human vitamin B complex crushed into food or a little water.
Did she have any tremors before she was 2 weeks old? There is a virus called AE, avian encephalomyelitis or epidemic tremors that can cause tremors and lameness. Can you give more background on her, where she came from, etc?
She was a Completly fine and healthy chick.then I found her one day unable to walk. She would try to walk but just didn't have leg strength. I have some previous threads saying what happened. I think she has eaten mouldy feed or has a vitamin dificiency.
I've been giving her nutri drops, poultry drink in her water, eggs and sunflowers seeds and some crushed almonds.
Today my order of vitamin b drops came so I have started her on them today aswel.

Is there any thing else I can do?
Depending on whether this condition is due to genetic causes or a toxic substance, what you do may or may not help.

Has she been outside on the ground? Could she have eaten a toxic insect or picked up grit contaminated by a petroleum product such as insecticide or an automotive product disposed of on the ground?

You can try the vitamin therapy @Eggcessive suggests. If it works, then we'll know the problem is neurological, possibly genetics.

Check out my thread from this past week. Two of my chicks encountered a poisonous caterpillar. They didn't even eat it, just tasted it.
Did she have any tremors before she was 2 weeks old? There is a virus called AE, avian encephalomyelitis or epidemic tremors that can cause tremors and lameness. Can you give more background on her, where she came from, etc?

When I first found her injured she has the shakes but was not having these full spasms.
She was hatched under a broody hen. The egg was from my own hen (all of whom are healthy)
If she ate moldy feed, that would account for her symptoms. You should reference your other threads so people reading this one have background. Next time, stay with your original thread and keep adding to it. It's easier when all the information is on a single thread.
If she ate moldy feed, that would account for her symptoms. You should reference your other threads so people reading this one have background. Next time, stay with your original thread and keep adding to it. It's easier when all the information is on a single thread.
Sorry I didn't know how to add to my title to let people know I had updates.
My broody hen has a very bad habit of kicking all the feed into the water. And it drips down the back and I believe this chick has eaten mouldy feed.
If you ever suspect a chicken has ingested a toxin, other than petroleum distillates, give activated charcoal and milk of magnesia as soon after as you can. It will absorb the toxin, and possibly avoid losing the chicken.

You can still try the charcoal, but it may be too much time as passed and the toxin has already done permanent damage.

You can always signal a moderator to help you change a thread or title after the edit no longer is in effect.
If you ever suspect a chicken has ingested a toxin, other than petroleum distillates, give activated charcoal and milk of magnesia as soon after as you can. It will absorb the toxin, and possibly avoid losing the chicken.

You can still try the charcoal, but it may be too much time as passed and the toxin has already done permanent damage.

You can always signal a moderator to help you change a thread or title after the edit no longer is in effect.
It's been almost 3 weeks. Am I too late?
The problem is I first though she had injured her leg. Then I thought perhaps it was splay leg. Then I saw the mouldy feed and thought it might be that.
I'm in the uk and have contact so many vets, but have found none that will treat a chicken

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