Is this accurate?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 5, 2014
I've just been on a peafowl breeder website and I'm unsure of some of the things it is saying as it seems to run counter to my understanding (limited I admit) of peafowl genetics, can someone with more knowledge clarify for me.
Statement one-
One last thing, please bear in mind that all our 2013 hatched birds are split whites. That means that their father was white so they all carry the white gene. Which will show in 1 in 3 of their future offspring.
I did a Mendel's square and it would seem to be only 1 in 4 would be possible if crossed together or 1 in 2 if put back to a pure white bird.....?

Statement two (Birds for sale section)

Hatched 2013 (28 week old) Indian Blue Peacocks (split with a cameo peacock)
Hatched 2013 (28 week old) Indian Blue Peahens (split with a cameo peacock)
Hatched 2013 (28 week old) Black Shouldered Peacocks (split with a cameo peacock)
Hatched 2013 (28 week old) Black Shouldered Peahens (split with a cameo peacock)

I thought only males could be split cameo and the hens either where cameo or not, so therefore could not be split for cameo......

I have a split white male that covered all my hens that layed this year, three of which were white, sense they turned 2 during laying season i only got 24 eggs from them and out of those 24, 18 were white, 2 were blue and 4 did not make it to hatch

My experience is limited to pieds,whites and regular IB's, i had a cameo but sold her to someone that had a split male because i was told i could not get cameo from her without having a cameo male or a male split to cameo.
Quote: Well, I'm no expert on genetics, but I do know that Mendel's law is not infallible. It's a guideline though. Doesn't apply in full to goats or dogs, I know for sure.

Best wishes.
The Cameo is referred to a sex link gene as is purple, Peach and Violete . a bird of color (say ,,cameo male ) when bred to any other color of hens will produce females that are Cameo and males that look blue but split to Cameo. To get male Cameo you need to breed the siblings together of the females back to the father (the Cameo male ) I would say your correct in your thinking.. a female will not be split to a sex linked color. connerhills
Both of your questions are valid, and you have correctly identified the incorrect info. 1:4 white birds hatched if offspring were bred together. And yes, only males can be split to a sex-linked colours.
Great information
from both of you!
I saw the website you are referring to. Unfortunately the info doesn't sound right cause he states that the IB peahens and BS peahens are split cameo and that is not correct because of what is stated above the hens are not split, they are cameo or not. Also makes no sense stating they are out of a cameo cock when he states at the bottom of the page that the father to all the birds is white? The owner I don't think understands the genetics. Hopefully someone can contact him and help him learn it (hint hint)
I saw the website you are referring to. Unfortunately the info doesn't sound right cause he states that the IB peahens and BS peahens are split cameo and that is not correct because of what is stated above the hens are not split, they are cameo or not. Also makes no sense stating they are out of a cameo cock when he states at the bottom of the page that the father to all the birds is white? The owner I don't think understands the genetics. Hopefully someone can contact him and help him learn it (hint hint)
Hey stranger
we were talking about ya recently, hope all is well with you and yours
Well next time ya feel like taken off on a walk about let us know so we won't worry about your peabrain, i know you broke your wrist but ya can peck out a message with your toe if ya have to

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