Is this an injury or fowl pox?


7 Years
Mar 2, 2012
Just like the title, I'm wondering what happened to my cockeral. I've noticed small things like this on the girls occasionally but never a bunch of them at the same time. Never really knew what it was. Ricky was crated last night in an effort to keep him quieter in the morning; towel over the crate and he couldn't see the light, so it worked! But when he came out of the crate he looked like this. Fowl pox or injury from protesting the crate this morning?
Hi, I know this is really off topic, but I saw the picture you posted of your rooster, Ricky, when you where wondering if the black spots on his comb was fowl pox or just injuries. I'd really like to know, what breed is your rooster? I have a cockerel that looks just like him, but with a little bit less black in his feathers, and I would love to know what breed he is. Thanks in advance!
It looks like like it came from scratching himself. Maybe from bug bites too! Biting flies, mosquitos, etc. i've seen Avian Pox before both wet & dry and this looks nothing like it.

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