Is this BS a boy or girl?

Is low% Spaulding good?whats the difference between spauldings and the others? I'm fairly new to the pea world and my kids wanted blues to run the farm. I guess it's good only ones male.

Most people that start with peafowl always start with either IB or white then they notice they all look the same and move to pied and other colors. Personally I like low percent spauldings better than india blues there is usually a slight quirk in the barring that lets you tell them apart. They are usually bigger than IB and have slightly more iridescence in the wings. They can also fool you as to male or female so take my opinon as a guess. You will know 100% on sex in about a month.
I have whites too. Lol. My favorite is the Cameo (I have a peahen). I've been search for a male cameo for 2 years.
Back to the babies, I did see the male breeder he looked like a regular IB. Thank you so much for the info! I'll post more pics in about a month.

These are my bs chicks at 7.5 weeks. judging by the size of your chicks crest I'd say its almost as old as mine. prob 6-7 weeks.
id say yours is a purple bs male. purple bs chicks show a lot of that rusty color all over their bodies. male bs chicks start to turn black while females may show a little black they don't get as much as the males and then fade to grey and then white. purple bs females fade to cream and brown.
Here's a pict of adult purple bs hen and bs hen side by side for comparison. purple bs is closer. the roo is bs.
Thank you! It's great to have pics for comparison. I'm sure it's a boy. More black shoulder feathers have come in since that pic. My daughter will be thrilled that she has a BS purple! Your BS hens are beautiful!

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