Is this bumblefoot? (with pics)


8 Years
Jun 12, 2011
DFW, Texas
My BR has had issues with this foot for over a week - I think she originally cut it on something. I sprayed it with Blue Kote and all seemed well. Then yesterday I noticed blood on the ground and - thinking she had re-injured it - checked her. Sure enough, it was the same hen, but now there's a lump on her foot. The underside of her foot is just fine - perfectly healthy.

I then noticed her other foot had some small lumps on them as well. Here are pics (the black skin showing in this pic is from Blue Kote):

Other foot:

Her she's eating, drinking, and walking just fine. Yesterday, she was by herself under our footbridge, which is why I originally rechecked her. I also noticed her comb and wattles are paler than the other BRs.

Can someone give me some direction on what to do. I have her inside - in our shower, since I cleaned her feet and didn't want to put her back outside until I got some help from ya'll.
I did lots of searches this A.M. on BYC - since there's no black skin, could this just be an infection? Does it need to be opened and drained (blech!)? Help...please?

Thank you!
Also, I just checked her, and her foot is continuing to bleed. Otherwise, she's walking around in the shower just fine.
wish so badly i could help you...someone will know what to do .
hope you get a response soon.
That doesn't look like bumblefoot to me. I would soak it in ebsom salt for 5-10 minutes then wash it gently with soap and water making sure it is rinsed very well, 2-3 x day. I would try to keep her on very clean litter in between washing.
no that doesnt look like it. Looks more like she has an infection. When I took in a rescue rat that had it it was from standing in one place in a dirty cage for months on end and the sore was... gross. It took months of care to heal.
That doesn't look like bumblefoot to me. I would soak it in ebsom salt for 5-10 minutes then wash it gently with soap and water making sure it is rinsed very well, 2-3 x day. I would try to keep her on very clean litter in between washing.
Love the epsom salt soaks..use very warm water and don't be afraid to put some ACV in there, too. Looks to me like she cut it and/or got stuck by something and it's a bit infected. I swear by Veterycin spray. You can get it in some form or another at most feed stores, tractor supply, etc. I, too, would keep her as clean and dry as possible.
Thank all of you so much for your replies!

While I was waiting, I cleaned her foot, sprayed some Bactine on it (because some posts said to use Bactine on Bumblefoot), wrapped it in clean gauze, and then wrapped that in Co-Flex to keep everything in place. She's now resting quietly in a pinestraw-filled litter box (her favorite type of nesting box) in the shower.

She has not eaten nor drunk anything since I brought her inside, which concerns me. With the temps outside hitting 105 today (D/FW, Texas) - should I keep her inside until tonight? If I let her sleep outside with the flock and bring her inside during the heat of the day (11am-7pm), will that work? Or should I keep her inside all day/night for the next few days?

Also, should I do anything to her other foot or just keep an eye on it?

Thanks for the advice about Epsoms Salts - I'll be sure to do that this afternoon.
Again, thank you for your help - I really appreciate it so much!
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Make sure your bandage is not too tight, or it will cut off the circulation, and change it often. Personally, I would leave an infected wound open to air. I would only use a bandage if the hen is picking at it or is in dirty litter.
It's not bumblefoot, but not sure what it is. Don't use ANYTHING on her with benzocaine or lidocaine and I think bactine has one of those anesthetics in it. Caine products can be fatal to birds, especially if applied in an open wound or on any area where there is huge blood flow, like on combs and wattles near the face.

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