
Apr 16, 2022
Hi, I was wanting some advice- this is our black cochin bantam. She's 1 year old and in great health. She has not been limping or acting out of sorts at all.
I make it a practice to check our flocks' feet every few weeks as they are free range and I want to head off any problems. Everything is usually fine, but we spotted this on Xena yesterday.
Could it be bumblefoot?
Could be a very small beginning, you might want to treat it.
Thank you for your advice! At least it'll be easy to keep her off of it/keep it clean with her glued to the nest.

Gah, things like bumblefoot freak me right OUT! I had no idea it was a thing. :eek:
As small as it is, it should be fairly simple. The earlier you treat, the easier it is. You can try treating topically at first, see if it clears up that way, it may take some time. If it doesn't, or gets worse, then remove the scab and treat it. As small as it is cutting shouldn't be necessary. If she's sitting on eggs, I would bother her as little as possible so you don't upset her and mess up her hatch. It's very small and not an emergency, they usually progress very slowly, and sometimes the small ones will heal on their own with a little time. If she's sitting on eggs I'd be inclined to just keep an eye on her til she's done with that.

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