newbie chick mom

  1. G


    hi all, new to owning chicks on my own (have previously had them but was too small to remember) starting a backyard coop soon so any advice would be appreciated
  2. klowewilliams

    Newbie from West Georgia

    Hello all - expectant chicken family joining the community! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes so new in fact I just placed my first order last night for 7 baby chicks arriving the week of May 27th!!! So excited and nervous at the same time. (2) How many...
  3. J

    Wisconsin Chickens

    Hello All!! I am completely new to this community. I’m located in sort of central Wisconsin. I live in the country on an old farm with my husband and two little boys. We have 3 cows and 3 dogs. We plan to get chickens in a few months and I know very little about caring for them. So I’m thankful...
  4. TinyChickenMama

    New Chicken Mama

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes! This is my first time having chickens of my own. I grew up on a small farm around chickens until I was 9 when I moved to Connecticut. Given that I was 9 I wasn't really allowed in the chicken coop on my Grandmother's farm and...
  5. B

    Regular maintenance of flock

    I would like to know your advice on regular maintenance of your flock or advice. De worming how often? Any additional advice for feeding/additives Thank you.
  6. Alipete21

    Southern Girl living in Alaska

    Hi there from Alaska! I’m completely new to raising Chickens. Currently raising 17 chicks: 1 Brahma 1 Brahma/Australorp 5 lavender Orpingtons 5 Buff Orpingtons 5 Black Australorps Rearranging with friends soon to own 2 of each of the orpingtons and Australorps and adding: 2 Americanas 2...
  7. D

    Member introduction

    Hi everyone! So glad to join the BYC! Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’m completely new to chickens and my parents got my brother his first chickens for about month How many chickens do you have right now? There are two chickens What breeds do you have? I’m not...
  8. A

    Newbie in GA

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes! This is our first straight run that we purchased from a local boys home. Not exactly sure of age! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 9 (3) What breeds do you have? Easter eggers (4) What are your favorite aspects...
  9. A

    Loving chicken life!

    We are new to chicken life. This is our first straight run of EEs. Hoping for a few hens but loving the personalities that we have forming. The multicolored one is my favorite & definitely leaning towards a rooster.
  10. AuntieMim

    Is this Bumblefoot?!

    Hi, I was wanting some advice- this is our black cochin bantam. She's 1 year old and in great health. She has not been limping or acting out of sorts at all. I make it a practice to check our flocks' feet every few weeks as they are free range and I want to head off any problems. Everything is...
  11. amberc1983

    My CrAzY Life

    Hello everyone! I’m new here so don’t be too hard on me lol. I’m a happily married mother of 5. My oldest kid is 22 and my youngest is 11 so yeah, I’m not sure what quiet or peaceful is. (But I wouldn’t trade it for the world) After my husband lost his job after having covid and pneumonia and no...
  12. PrincessTee

    New to raising chicks

    Okay, so I'm completely new when it comes to raising chick's. I've done weeks of research etc but some things you just learn by doing. This leads me to ask, my chick's are about 3 days old and I can see their little feathers starting to come in. I noticed that multiple of them were almost I'm...
  13. C

    Hello from southern Canada

    Hello all chicken enthusiasts :celebrate I am new to raising chickens (chicks, hens, roosters and quails) and am excited to explore this website! If you have a moment to spare , please reply with one important tip or lesson that you have learned to pass onto a newbie like myself! I appreciate it!!
  14. A

    Chicken eggs hatching on day 20

    Chicken eggs have started to pip on day 20. Is this normal? Do I leave the early hatches shells or take each chick out after its fluffy?
  15. F

    Newbie from Raleigh, NC!!

    Hello! I am a first time chicken owner! I am super stoked and nervous and excited and all the rest of the feelings too! I hope to do well with my ladies and hope to be a great community member here as well! I decided to copy-paste those questions for new members to make this easy. (1) Are you...
  16. C

    Hello, I'm a newbie 🙌🏾

    (1) I just got my first 4 baby chicks 4-27-21! (2) I have 2 Rhode Island Reds/2 Buff Orpingtons(time will tell) and 2 silver lace black Wyandottes. (3) I'm looking forward to getting to know their personalities and eat their eggs! (4) I enjoy reading when I actually get the chance, listening...
  17. City2CountryGirl

    Hello Newbie Here

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes I am new to chickens. I have had them a few months now. My husband introduced me to chickens as he has grown up raising farm animals. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 22 (3) What breeds do you have? Barred Rock...
  18. UnderThreeAcres

    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Tina and we nicknamed our acreage 'Dingleberry Farm'. That is a story for another day. I found BackYard Chickens looking for chicken coop building ideas. We recently moved to the country in the hopes of raising chickens among other animals. We left the city for many reasons, one being...
  19. Stajas

    Hi there!

    I’m new to the site and to chickens! I have 4 hens, one New Hampshire Red, one White Crested Polish and 2 EE. They’re about 8 weeks old. (So far they’re all hens- let’s hope that’s the case because I live in the city and no roosters are allowed.). I also have 3 dogs, a German shepherd, a toy...
  20. B

    New to chickens

    Hi! My name is Brenda and I live in Syracuse. I’ve always wanted chickens and now have 3 baby Silkies that are 3 weeeks old today. I am in love with their sweet little faces. I’m new to chicken ownership and hope to get help and advice on how to care for my babies
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