Is this normal for 2-3 day old Chicks? Pictures

Matsmom, I got mine yesturday and they are doing the exact same thing. I dont hear a peep out of them. Eat, drink, poop, sleep, eat, drink, poop, sleep!!!
What cuties

Just a word of warning, I guess you could say, but just keep an eye on the piles, and try not to let them get too "deep" or big...I lost one little hamburg chick on my last order (only loss too!) because he got smooshed-literally. Granted he was a bit smaller then my other little "fat" breeds-White Rocks, Brahmas, etc
Were yours very active yesterday, eating and drinking? Mine sure were and then today they are quite different. I am glad nothing is wrong with them.
They are just fine. Yesterday they were a little stressed and had to check out their new place. Now they feel safe and comfy, so it's time to crash and burn for awhile. Next they will be up running around like crazy things, and drop off to sleep mid-stride. Just like puppies and kittens.

I had a few who would sleep all sprawled out - I thought they were dead! :eek: ....nope just nappin' where they fell!

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