Is this ok for one more week?


Jul 15, 2015
I recently picked up a few more chicks. I was expecting newly hatched, but I ended up with 6 week olds. My coop extension will not be ready for one more week. Will this set up be ok for one more week? They are now eight weeks old.
I would suggest taking a couple of cardboard boxes and connecting them with tape. Cut holes in the sides and tape them at the holes as well to act like doors.
Looks pretty small, but all you can do it try it and see how the birds respond. Pecking, lots of fighting, listlessness or bloody diarrhea are going to be signs they're overcrowded.
Can you take a roll of 2x4 fencing and make a temporary day pen?
That'll ease the crowding stress and give them some outside time.

I used a 20 foot length of 6 foot high fencing and made a circle with a just a few garden stakes for support, overlapped the ends for a 'door',
added some shade, a waterer and shuttled them back and forth from brooder daily for a few weeks.
Tote bin lid clamped to fence and resting on 3 gal square bucket, shoved a 1x3 furring strip thru wire for roost.

You can kinda see part of it here to the left, tiny chick pen in middle and main coop/run to right.

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