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Why can't I find a picture of a pot belly new born on the web? I am thinking about getting one but need to learn about them first. Is that a good site for me to learn about the pot belly pig?
You could try posting in the other animals section. I'm sure someone will be able to help you.
Thank You Bare Foot Farm. I thought that I looked. GEEEEZE they are so adorable.. I am going to hang out on the herd sight for awhile. I am getting a pot belly baby pig if it works into my beliefs with taking care of them as well as housing them. I sure hope that they like to be cuddled, I love to cuddle my pets. Gosh I have so much research a head of me.
I spend more time on the backyard herds forum than I do on this forum. I can tell you that just hanging out there isn't going to get you much info on pigs...they just don't require a lot of posts (you'll find the most info about goats there). BUT, there are plenty who have pigs including pots (me included) so go there and post a question and you'll get the answers you seek.
What would you like to know? I will try to answer what i can... and if i cant answer, i can send you to a site thats very good. When i asked questions on BYherds, i didnt get much help at all.
I have raised 3 pots... and still have them. I'll try to help... skyrockets, mathace and steveo, are also very helpful about pots on here, several others here too! ....
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