Is this poop bloody?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 15, 2009
Long Island NY

This morning I found some weird poop. It looks rather too pink to be blood but I can't think what else it could be.

None of my 7 birds is acting odd although the oldest, whose been laying for a couple months now, has failed to lay for the last two days. They're all eating normally. I've ordered some Corid, just in case. Is there anything else I should do?

Can you post a pic of the poop your hens had? You may want to get a fecal done. The pink could be guts.
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Looks like Cociliousis. You need to get Corid or sulmet and start treating them. You also need to treat the entire flock.
Right. I have ordered some Corid through the post. I'm on Long Island; my feed store don't stock it and I'm not sure where to look for it.
I can't understand why the would suddenly come down with an infection, however.

Thanks, I have already checked out the poop page. Frankly, I think it looks more like gut lining then blood.

p.s. the photo is in the link on my first post.
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The one who wasn't laying for two days just produced a large egg. So I guess that rules her out as an ill one.
I have cleaned away the suspect poop and will watch for more.
I'm not sure, could be cocci or just normal intestinal lining. I'd keep a close eye on things for a few days. It's good you have the Corid on order, one of those things we should all have on hand. It seems like when you really need something like that it can't be found quickly. Here's a link to another poop page if you want to check it out. Hoping for the best and that it's just a extra big normal poo.
Under what circumstances does intestinal lining come out (I've never seen it before)? Can coccidosis cause it? That's what seems to be implied on the photo page you have linked to.
It can be cocci or worm related, sometimes it just happens, probably from a stressor that doesn't ever show up on our radar. When I've seen it there has been more of a "fleshy" look to the blood than what your picture showed. I'd be more inclined to think cocci with your picture, but it's really hard to say for sure. In the absence of a fecal I think keeping a close eye on things and making sure you have the proper meds on had is probably a good course of action. If you're in doubt go ahead and treat with the corid when it gets there. The nice thing about it is that unlike antibiotics you won't build up any drug resistance if it turns out not to be cocci after all. Have you checked all the hens vents to make sure none of them have any damage from a hard to pass egg? Not super likely, but something to consider.....

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