Is this possible?


9 Years
Mar 31, 2010
I think i have chicks that are half Cornish X
But I thought that wasn't possible because they're too heavy to breed naturally. My laying hen recently hatched out 4 chicks. They've feathered out white, are growing freakishly fast, and have that walking like they have "corners" gait. I can also tell which ones are male and female already, which I've never been able to do with other chicks that the hen has hatched out. I had a batch of free range Cornish X males, and the timing works out for one of them to be the dad. They were constantly running around after the laying hens.

Could the chicks be half Cornish X?
If there was a male cornish x breeding them then yes, he could be the father. They generally aren't bred for a number of reasons which I won't list, but it is possible.
Bantums and full sized chickens can breed each other. If Cornish X rooster was the right age and had the opportunity, he may be a daddy. Cornish X are chickens after all.
Yes they can breed, although I wouldn't recommend it because they Cornish X are very heavy and may injure your hens when they try and breed.
I'll see if I can get a good picture. The light is so bad in the barn. Those Cornish x Roos (now in freezer camp), would not leave the laying hens alone. One roo actually had a stroke or something chasing a hen and I had to butcher him at 9 at night. IIRC, they were over 12 weeks when I butchered them. Maybe that's old enough to fertilize eggs?

These chicks and their mom ate funny to watch. She keeps trying to sit on them, but they're so big relative to her that she ends up perched 8 inches off the ground!

Meaties are so darned funny! Someone mentioned how funny it is also to see broody raised meaties run to you for treats.

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